Anavyssos, 27/09/2022,
FlowTech’s 2nd Field Work in Epirus Rivers
Our scientific team just completed the 2nd weekly field work trip which took place between 7th and 13th of September in Voidomatis and Aoos rivers in Epirus region, Greece.
Concerning the assessment of river hydraulic conditions including mean column flow velocity, depth measurements and discharge were conducted at representative cross sections by means of a handheld Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter and an Acoustic Doppler Profiler (ADP).
Moreover, a pair of cameras for video stereoscopy recording, developed by Flowtech, for the identification of fish habitat use and preferences, was calibrated and installed underwater in more than 15 different river sites. The stereoscopy data output will be processed by our team for the determination of the ecological flow regime.
We are grateful to Angelos Christopoulos and the UCanDrone scientific team for their assistance in developing the camera framework for fish habitat assessment, using stereoscopic observation by means of high resolution video and images.

The FlowTech project is funded under the 2st Call for Research Projects ELIDEK (HFRI, Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation) for the support of Post-doctoral Researchers by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (GSRT) within the scientific research area for the Environment and Energy (Project ID: 454).
Hellenic Center For Marine Research, 46.7 km Athens-Sounio ave., P.O.Box 712, P.C. 19013, Anavyssos, Greece. Tel: +30 22910 76462, Fax: +30 22910 76323, URL: